
ghostrider avatar image
ghostrider asked

Venus OS Latest Version Online Update Not Found

Trying to update to v2.90 but my VenusOS rPi isn't seeing anything over v2.89. Get "No newer version available"

If I try checking the Release Candidate feed, I get an error.

Any tips? Seem to be seeing 2.90 out in the wild. Almost like there is a problem with my update feed.

Tried going back to 2.87 and same behavior.

(Doing this through VRM remote console)

firmware update
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2 Answers
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

If you read the release notes for 2.90, it requires a re image for the RPI. There have been significant under the cover changes and a new SD Card image is required to boot the 2.90 version.

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ghostrider avatar image
ghostrider answered ·

I see now also that if you were not previously on a Large build, it takes a bit more work to get to 2.90.

Looks like rPi4 (non-Large) didn't get a 2.90 build..


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bathnm avatar image bathnm commented ·
Yes looks like you have to image as standard and then upgrade to large once standard is running.
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