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Endre Kiss asked

Venus OS Large bash/root access

Excuse my dumb/newbie questions (and feel free to redirect me to a post where all these are described). I need to fix the issue described in the Venus OS FAQ

Q: I get the error: Failed to remove, unrecognized module

- I guess I need root access to be able to send commands to the OS so I have followed this step by step following step 1 and step 2

- I was trying to access my Cerbo using PUTTY using the credentials user admin (root was tried out as well) and the password used is the one I have entered for the superuser

- The used port is 22 not 29266

- Unfortunately there is no answer I cannot log in. My Cerbo is reachable just over the internet, is in remote location, could it be that it can be accessed only on local LAN?

Or what else I'm doing wrong?

Thanks a lot, Endrecapture1.jpgcapture2.jpg

Venus OS
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