
Marcel avatar image
Marcel asked

Visability sma inverter on Venus UI after dark.

In day time I see the yellow tile for my SMA inverter on the Venus UI. All data its producing is all constantly updated. The inverter nodes in Node-red also works fine. Its producing data. So all is OK.
But when its dark outside and after a reboot of my rpi running the Venus OS the yellow tile for the inverter on the Venus UI is gone. The node in Node-red stops producing data. So I guess because its dark outside the inverter switches off? But as soon as the first light hits the solar panels the inverter is back on line in the dashboard, and all works again as usual. This behaviour corrupt my calculations in Node-red because it expects data 24/7.

When I don’t reboot and leave everything “as is” then the tile for the SMA inverter stays visible and working. Also the node in Node-red keeps working and sends the correct data (total energy)

My question: is there a way to keep the SMA inverter on line and visible in the dashboard even after a reboot when is dark?.

dashboard display
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3 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Generally, no. The communications of the SMA inverters shut down when there is no pv.

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Marcel avatar image
Marcel answered ·

Hi Mike. Thanks for your answer. I guess I have to find a way around this problem then.

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olafd avatar image
olafd answered ·

Hi Marcel, for stability e.g. a reboot, your have to find something in NodeRED for the Inverter-Status and then:

If inverters are gone / false   —> Power = 0
else Power = Inverter-Power
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