
jaqibar avatar image
jaqibar asked

Cerbo gx display stuck


Is there an alternative method to reset/reboot Cerbo remotely when display is frozen or stuck?

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

If you have enabled it, you can ssh to it. This is not on by default however.

Alternatively, if reboot on communications loss is enabled, you could try disable it's wifi from your wifi access point.

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jaqibar avatar image jaqibar commented ·

When revering to SSH, are you talking about the ‘remote support functionality’. If so, then Yes it is enabled, but I still cant access via this route. I can login/connect to Cerbo remotely (I am 6 hours away from site) via VRM, but can’t shuffle through display or get to reboot. I have never used the ssh method, and not getting it to work either.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ jaqibar commented ·
No, remote support is something else.

You would need to be able to VPN or similar into your local network to use ssh, once you have enabled it, which requires a working console.

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