
dereppsteiner avatar image
dereppsteiner asked

Setup Venus Os 2.90 for Mopeka Sensor


I use Cerboo GX with Venus Os 2.90~ 24 and a Mopeka Sensor Pro for the gas tank.

which settings can I use for an 11KG gas bottle?

Venus OS
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered Ā·

I use a 13kg propane bottle in the UK, but the 13kg bottle is not one of the choices available within the Mopeka app on my phone, so I have told it that it is an arbitrary tank and when connected to a full bottle used the app to see what the level is, in my case 35.8cm, so this is what I set the tank full level to in the Mopeka app. The sensor then sends a 0 to 100% reading to the Cerbo GX. In the Cerbo I have said it is a 13L tank with a height of 35.8cm and 0% butane. I know for LPG litres and kg are not the same like with water, but it is understandable as the value will be OK and just ignore the unit.

You will need to have your sensor set up correctly in the Mopeka app first to either the 11kg size if you can find that preset or check it on a full bottle and set it up from that like me. If you use a preset then the app can be used to show the depth in inches/cm and you can get the full level from that.


lpg-13kg-setup.jpg (39.5 KiB)
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