
theturbodog avatar image
theturbodog asked

Cerbo GX timed relay activation

I've been looking for a way to activate one of the Cerbo relays on a timed schedule like a plug in timer. Say at noon every day for 30 minutes or maybe every 4 hours for 10 minutes. Something like that. I'm comfortable with command line linux so I'd be ok implementing as a cron job or something similar.

cerbo gxgx device
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

you can already do that using gen autostart and periodic run time but only for one time period per day


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johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

You can do a lot with cron jobs and dbus-command line tools, just look up the dbus-path of the relay you want to switch and do it via setting the parameters. You can look in the gui source code how victron switches the relays for reference. You could also bypass it and directly control the gpio pins e.g. via a python script.

As your question included cron, it was moved to modifications section for the right audience.

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