
Stefan Boldt avatar image
Stefan Boldt asked

Multi II GX with 2 MPPT Ve.Can + EM24 Energy Meter

Hi. I am struggling a bit to connect my second MPPT 250/85 Ve.Can to my system. I have a MultiPlus II GX working with a MPPT 250/85 that is connected via Ve.Direct. The EM24 is connected to the USB port in the Multi. The Pylontech Battery Bank is connected to the BMS Can Port on the MultiPlus.

How do I connect the second MPPT to my MultiPlus II GX? I connected the two MPPTs via the Ve.Smart Network, but the MPPTs are reporting that they are waiting for Data. I presume this will not work, because the MPPTs should than be connected via Ve.Can right? But Ve.Can is not available on the MultiPlus II GX.

Can I connect the two MPPTs and the EM24 to an USB HUB that is connected to the USB port on the MultiPlus II GX? Will this work? I read that you can connect several Ve.Direct to USB Adapters to an USB HUB. But will my USB Connection from the EM24 also work on the same USB HUB?

Maybe the only solution is to switch to a Cerbo GX and a MultiPlus II without integrated GX?

Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks. Stefan

Multiplus-IIMPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

You can use a USB hub to connect your EM24's USB and a VE.Direct USB dongle too.

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Stefan Boldt avatar image Stefan Boldt commented ·
Worked like a charm. Thank you very much. I will use it that way for the moment.
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Robert Boerescu avatar image Robert Boerescu Stefan Boldt commented ·
@Stefan Boldt Please could you tell me what USB hub you are using? I have the same setup and I tried connecting the em24 usb to rs485 and mppt ve direct to usb to the same tplink 7 usb3 port powered hub and em24 keeps disconnecting. Thank you!
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Stefan Boldt avatar image Stefan Boldt Robert Boerescu commented ·

Hi. At the time I used the DIGITUS USB-Hub - 4 Ports - High-Speed USB 2.0. But this cofiguration is long gone. I am using only VE.CAN at the moment. No USB to Ve.Direct anymore. But as far as I can rember it worked without problems. But I cannot say anything about long term usage.

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Stefan Boldt avatar image Stefan Boldt commented ·
This sounds good. Tomorrow I will get the Ve.Direct to USB Adapter`s and I will test the connection with the USB HUB and report. Thanks.
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gazza avatar image
gazza answered ·

My Multiplus II GX has VE.Can inputs? My understanding is that you should be able to use a VECan MPPT as well as VEdirect. I would try and get the VECan working first and then add in the VEdirect again. If that does fail then as above using a USB hub should also be possible.

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·
The OP said that they are using the Can port for their Pylontech battery (500kbps), so that can't use it for VE.Can (250kbps) at the same time.
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gazza avatar image
gazza answered ·

@WKirby Yea good point, I missed that. !

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