
dvb avatar image
dvb asked

MK3-USB obligatoire ?


Un point pas encore clair pour moi...

Peut-on paramétrer/programmer un Multiplus II au travers d'un Cerbo GX, ou doit-on impérativement utiliser un module MK3-USB branché au Multiplus ?


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5 Answers
johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

You can configure a Multiplus via the VRM portal using a Cerbo as gateway, provided the Cerbo is connected to the Multiplus via a Ve.Bus cable. You need the VeConfigure software, you can download the config from your device via VRM, store it locally, edit it, upload it via VRM back through the Cerbo to your Multiplus.

Or you just buy the MK3 Adapter, plug it in and configure your Multiplus directly from your Laptop without needing working Internet connections, the cloud etc.

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freequader avatar image freequader commented ·


VRM nécessite un fichier unique .rvsc ou .rvms. alors que VE.config exporte le fichier .vsc

Comment faites-vous ?


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Juha Tuomala avatar image
Juha Tuomala answered ·

You can avoid output cut-offs with MK3 because it asks if you want to load assistants and if you did not change them, you can skip it and keep running loads.

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dvb avatar image
dvb answered ·

Thanks a lot for your explanations.

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Juha Tuomala avatar image
Juha Tuomala answered ·

Ouh, almost forgot. Configuring through VRM, it's done in disconnected way with configuration files. When using MK3 cable, the VE.Bus monitor is also active and it shows the inverter state. This was curcial time saver for my generator debugging, VRM method did not show what was causing my AC1 connection problem, but bus-monitor did, see more from

Without MK3 cable I would probably still be wondering that issue. It really paid itself in time saving. IMO that bus monitor information should be visible in remote console but it's not.

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dvb avatar image
dvb answered ·

Well... I will use a MK3 cable => thks !

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