
jbj avatar image
jbj asked

Rpi2 remote console disabled?


I am new to the Victron products.

I loaded a RPi2 with the Venus OS.

The OS loads and I can connect to the IP, but the remote console for LAN seems to be disabled. I need some guidance on how to proceed as none of the forum topics seems to contain any useful information, or I cannot find anything that could guide me in the right direction.


Venus OS
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2 Answers
powerace avatar image
powerace answered Ā·

Hi jbj,

I ran into the same problem recently, you have to either enable or disable password check for first time use.

Goto: Menu > Settings > Remote Console and 'hit' option "Disable password check" if you don't want to be asked for a password all the time or you can set a password at option "Enable password check" for extra security.

This will be difficult if you are running Venus "headless" on the RPI so best is to connect a monitor to alter these settings.

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johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered Ā·

You have to go to settings and enable remote console on LAN at least.

The VNC server is disabled, and the web interface cannot deliver the image.

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