
Schunk avatar image
Schunk asked

Cerbo offline - even no connection via bluetooth

System: MPII ESS with Cerbo and local screen display and 2 MPPT´s

During vacation I was unable to find system data via VRM; lock in possible but no longer actual data available.

Back home same situation via PC, than I tried to get local access via bluetooth, no connection possible for Cerbo. MPPTs are fine.

Im not the detail speci and newcomer in this community; Is there any chance for help?

Can add screen shot, but no idear how to use here.



cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You will probably have to pull the power plug out and wait a few minutes then plug it back in.

Not something I would normally recommend.

Then when it has finished the reboot, you can set it up to reboot when there is no contact automatically

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Schunk avatar image
Schunk answered ·

Hi Alexandra,

many thanks for your assistance.

Wean while I followed up a similar way to solve the problem.

- first I restarted MPII incl. battery whithout success; because MPPT feed the 48V busbars .

- didn´t rermeber that Cerbo was connected via pluc, therefore I took out the fuse

- reboot was autimatic

Best regards


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


So now on your device go to

Settings - vrm online portal - reboot on no contact enable that.

Then the system can sort out its own connection.


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