
roger-seibel avatar image
roger-seibel asked

MPPT-Values for 'yesterday yield' not correct via VE.Can or MQTT-Tools

As stated in an earlier question the solar yield 'yesterday' values do not change in Cerbo Registers or via MQTT-Tools against Cerbo. The values remain on an earlier value and are not updated.

I am using Cerbo GX (2.90~14) and two MPPTs (SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/100 rev2 with FW 3.10). Restarting Cerbo or MPPT's does not work.

But disabling VE.Can in Cerbo, then restarting and re-enabling VE.Can reads the actual values for 'Yesterday', but then keeps this values again.

The values retreived via Connect App are ok.

Thanks, Roger

MPPT Controllers
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roger-seibel avatar image roger-seibel commented ·
Did another test: Restarting Cerbo is not necessary, disabling and re-enabling VE.Can port works.
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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Roger Seibel

Thank you for reporting! this will be fixed in a next release.

(I'm moving this question to the modifications section due to the release candidate being used.)

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roger-seibel avatar image roger-seibel commented ·

Hi Daniël,

this is still not working. Any new information?

Thx, Roger

v3.10 – 17 January 2022

Released for all models


  • Fix issue on the GX Device regarding the yesterday history
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