
chrisu avatar image
chrisu asked

Multiplus-II 5000 GX no wifi reconnect

Hi there,
I have an MP II GX which is connected via Wifi to local my Internet Router (Fritz box). Ethernet is plugged out.

IP is manual, everything works fine.

But when I switch off the Wifi Router and reboot, the Multiplus GX does not reconnect to the router. I have to reboot the MP and then it connects to it.
Is this an error by design?

I don't want to use the ethernet connection because I want to connect from MP to the EM24 without having an ethernet switch between to minimize hardware faults.

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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Is your GX up to date with firmware? You can also set the GX to auto restart itself if there has been no comms for a few minutes. This sometimes happens but on newer versions less so, unless there is weak signal.

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chrisu avatar image chrisu commented ·

I have the latest FW installed.

Where Do i configure this reboot Feature?

Signal is 80% and 2.4ghz, so this should be pretty ok.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Settings -> VRM online portal


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chrisu avatar image chrisu commented ·
thank you, I'll try!
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chrisu avatar image chrisu commented ·
it's working, thanks for this solution!
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