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Mike Dorsett asked

Generator N - PE link destroys generator

As I was having problems with the RCCB on the output of the Multiplus 24/3000/70 tripping when the generator was in use, I measured the N - PE and L - PE voltages with the generator on, and on load. These were ~120V ac each on a 240V system.

To try to stop the tripping, I installed a N - PE link on the multiplus generator terminals (Generator is a 2500VA set) after checking the N-E and L - E resistance of the generator. Next time I started the generator, all was fine until the multiplus connected and went into charge mode. The generator immediately overloaded and destroyed it's AVR leaving the generator output voltage at ~ 300V. Why should this be?

Surely the current sensing for the generator in the Multiplus should be on the Live or Active line?

My only option seems to be to eliminate the RCCB on certain critical circuits - which I don't really want to do. This is a new installation, and the main source of earth current would be 2 x desktop computers and one laptop.

2 |3000

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