
angelocampia avatar image
angelocampia asked

MultiPlus Ignore AC settings based in SOC?


I have a Multiplus, SmartShunt 1000A/50mV, and Cervo GX I'm trying to configure "Ignore AC input" based on battery SOC, but I can't find the option in the image below:


Can someone help?

multiplus ve.bus
soc.png (36.7 KiB)
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Look under 'Assistants', not VS. Programmable Relay and General Flag should do it.

But you'll need a GX device to pass across the Smartshunt SOC (Possibly needs DVCC turned on and the Multi's SOC disabled to be sure).

You can't use both VS and Assistants concurrently.

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