
anhoume avatar image
anhoume asked

Support additional analog inputs on cerbo GX

I'm very happy with my Cerbo GX. I just wished the analog tank inputs could support more than tank sensors. A suggestion is to add support for other resistive sensors as well. Like engine temperature, oil pressure or trim level. Would this be possible in a future update?

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
mike4nl avatar image
mike4nl answered ·
The only way at this moment is to have a converter from the sensor signal to the tank level input. You could do that with an esp8266/32. There are also digital potmeter which can be controlled via i2c bus. To get a value can be done on the ADC inputs (esp8266 = 1, esp32 = 8 i think). Then you van vonvert that. For all things yo can find exampls on the internet. Like
- digital potmeter via i2c
- esp32 generic
- esp32 analog inputs
- convert adc input do diffenert values
- and so on

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laurenceh avatar image laurenceh commented ·
I’m currently writing an interface to work over Wi-Fi I’m running a Rpi Z W 2 with a small colour screen that is interfaced to i2c and 1-wire devices (temperature, humidity, voltages). This includes voltage sensors that could read values from the device types you mention. The Rpi runs a small web server that responds with JSON formatted sensor data, a new service written on the Gx can read the device information.

The main reasons for doing this is to avoid having to install more wires in my narrowboat and to reduce earth loops. But the side effect is that it allows a means of people adding interfaces without needing to hack the Gx hardware.

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