
nimrod avatar image
nimrod asked

Do I need a Digital Multi Control for my configuration

I Have a
easysolar II GX 24/3000.
VE-BMS. BMV 700.
LiFePO4 Battery 25,6V/100Ah Smart.
1.5kw of PV
grid possible

I don't understand if i have to buy a DMC for driving the bms or if the easysolar gx deed it?


multiplus ve.bus
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The easy solar 2 GX has a built in GX device that means you dont need the Cerbo or any other gx device.

See the picture of the unit.

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nimrod avatar image nimrod commented ·

Great thank you !
I'm also wondering why the ve-bms need DMC for a multiplus? Is it possible to plug together a lifepo4 smart with with multiplus 24/3000 (not multiplus II nor GX) without DMC???


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ nimrod commented ·
As @SouthsidePH

It does not need one, but they are awesome for remote switching if that is what you want.

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southsideph avatar image
southsideph answered ·

You don't need a digital multi-Control, I use one in the campervan as i don't use Touch 50, Use Android Tablet, but I have a DMC because i want to be able to adjust the current limit depending if on shore power/grid or generator. Also allows me to selectively switch between inverter/charger and off without connecting to Cerbo.

Hope this helps

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