
mykaloon avatar image
mykaloon asked

Cerbo GX relay to water pump

I'm currently wiring up my Shurflo water pump which is was originally planning to switch on/off via a switch in the front of the van.
Have just added a Victron Cerbo GX and was looking to add some sort of control where when the water tank sensor reads tanks at say 10% full, the relay 1 on the Cerbo will stop the water pump.
From what I can read on the Cerbo relay this is only a signal so I'm thinking I need to wire this to another higher rated relay??
Current install is 2.5mm2 from battery to DC board fuses then I was going to the original switch then onto the pump. Would still like to keep the original switch as a physical switch for isolating the pump for any time other than when the Cerbo is telling it to stop.
Haven't a lot of experience of relays and getting confused with the concept of relays feeding relays but here's what I've taken from reading online - hopefully this is correct but looking for guidance:

Do I take the signal wire from the Cerbo relay 1 (normally closed?) to pin 86 on the other relay with 85 going to ground and then insert the relay into the wiring installed prior to the physical switch via pin 30 in with pin 87 out to the pump via the physical switch?
cerbo gx
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1 Answer
taylortops avatar image
taylortops answered ·

How does this look? This assumes same DC volts all round.


water.png (907.7 KiB)
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