
jtimmann avatar image
jtimmann asked

UPS Funktion

Hello i use a Easy Solar 12/1600/70 i want tu use the UPS/USV funktion.

My primary energy is my Lifpo4 and not the grid.

It is possible to use the UPS/USV funktion in this direction ?

Primary Grid, secondary Lifepo4 works fine but i want to use the othe direction

Many Thanks Jan

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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

I'm not too familiar with easysolar but multiplus you can (and from what i understand they're very much the same).

Multiplus II would use ESS (energy storage system) feature and select the setting Optimised with battery life or Optimised without batterylife. This will use batteries until they are at a minimum state of charge that you also set in settings and then change over to the grid.

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