
mykaloon avatar image
mykaloon asked

Cerbo GX to activate Maxxair Fan using Ruuvi Tag Sensor

I currently have a couple of Maxxair roof fans installed and am looking for a way to activate these via the Cerbo GX once a certain temperature is reached and then switch off again when temperature reduces to a lower temp - I can see from previous posts that the programming of this can be done within the Cerbo GX linked to a Ruuvitag sensor.

I'm getting a bit lost on how I introduce the Cerbo GX into my existing fan wiring setup which i currently 2 fans wired in series to a fused (10a) 12v circuit.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Maxxair fans have an auto setting with programmable temperature on off. At least mine does.

But with the method you're proposing, if it works, you may have the fan opening the top when you don't want it...

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