
Peter Hoyt avatar image
Peter Hoyt asked

Cerbo GX Touch 50 Device Display List

I have a new setup that I've just installed and started using. Everything is working great. Multiplus II inverter/charger, cerbo GX with the GX 50, smart shunt, and two mppt controllers. Here is my problem, I can't get the second mppt controller to show up on the GX 50 display. The first mppt is a smart mppt which shows up. The second is a blue solar with the bluetooth dongle to communicate with the rest of the system. I think I have the current firmware for everything.

I know both mppt controllers are working because in full sun, they are both producing and I can see them both on the victron connect app on my phone.

Is it possible to add the second mppt controller to the GX 50 display?


cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You need to connect the BlueSolar MPPT to the Cerbo with a cable.

Since the MPPT has only one port you can only have the connection to the Cerbo or the Bluetooth dongle connected to it.

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Your going to have to rip the bt dongle out of the bluesolar (ouch!) and connect the bluesolar to the cerbo via a VE Direct cable.

Connect & Configure Remotely with VictronConnect

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