
simonosteopath avatar image
simonosteopath asked

Electrical connection to the float LED 100/30.

Hi, my first entry to this forum.

I would like to be able to access the electrical connection to the Float LED or, be able to have a signal indicating the unit has gone into Float. I have a Blue Solar 100/30. This is for a charge monitor project. Maybe the signal is available via the VE direct port, but it seems an extravagant route. The unit appears un-openable without destruction. Has anyone managed this?

Thanks for any response.

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4 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Simonosteopath

It's not possible to open the unit.

If you have a GX device, you could use Venus OS large, which includes Node-RED. Setting this up takes only seconds to read the charge state. See screenshot:


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simonosteopath avatar image simonosteopath commented ·
Thank you, Stefanie, for your speedy response. The project I am building will not be able to use a computer. Unfortunately there just isn't the space and it seems a "hammer to crack a wall nut" kind of solution, just to obtain a '1' or a '0'. I was hoping for a hardware solution or maybe simple digital electronics from the ve direct interface. But thank you.

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Sarah avatar image
Sarah answered ·

f202e4d3-9c87-410e-87c9-b399ad932ffb.jpegHi @Simonosteopath

Some of the larger MPPT controllers (150/45 and above) that have an onboard relay can be configured to be activated when the controller reaches the float stage. See spec page

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pvpax avatar image
pvpax answered ·

Suggestion: "read" the LED status with a photodiode or LDR.

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johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

You can add a photo transistor on top of the LED if you need a electrical signal, easy, isnt it? Additionally you can read the Ve.Direct interface, you get all the data there. Some have a programmable output / relay, you can use this as well.

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