
kotaztrafee avatar image
kotaztrafee asked

Green Light Always On

The green Power light is always on even when not connected to AC Power. It this proper? I see no mention of this in the manual. IP67

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

@Kotaztrafee I moved that question to the normal Q&A space.

What product do you have?

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kotaztrafee avatar image kotaztrafee Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Thank You
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1 Answer
kotaztrafee avatar image
kotaztrafee answered ·

Model IP67

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Victron has a few hundred products and a few dozen of them are IP67, so what device do you have exactly? What is written on it?
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