
pattimichelle avatar image
pattimichelle asked

Where is PE available during inverter operation (with 120VAC still connected).

I have a MultiPlus-II 48V 5kW connected to lion batteries in home 'island system.' But I also plug it into a wall socket using a 15A cord to get 120VAC for occasional inverter-off situations. (for protection, I set a 10A input limit on 120VAC) I have installed a 30A GFCI (North Shore LineGuard inline model)on the 120VAC output of the MP-II and am running fridges/freezer/computers/lights and an A/C sometimes. I am a little confused about PE connection(s) with the MP-II.

- When running on 120VAC the 'return' (GFCI) is ground-referenced. My question is: when inverting from battery, I know "the 120VAC" is disconnected, per the manual, but is the PE ground of the 120VAC socket *also* disconnected? the internal disconnect-relay active on all three wires from the 120VAC input?

- Where is PE actually located when inverting with the Ground Relay setting active? Is it the MP-II case post? Is it maybe also the ground pin of the 120VAC cord? Also, is there any PE available if the Ground Relay setting is inactive? (but the 120VAC is still plugged into the wall)

- I believe I should *always* have a neutral ground-reference (a PE) when inverting, even though there's no electrical path to earth ground in Island Mode, but the GFCI should still work, strictly speaking.

I'm trying to understand why my North Shore LineGuard 30A inline GFCI trips after 10 minutes or so delay when the Ground Relay setting is active on the MP-II.

Thank You Very Much!

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