
martin-krahn avatar image
martin-krahn asked

DC-Smart-Shunt not displayed in the console alternatives?


though my dealer told me that it is possible to visualize the current coming from my wind gennys over DC in the graphic console with a DC-Shunt - I now learned that this is up to now impossible. So I have to wait for a firmware update that enables the console to display the DC-shunt's current as my wind input (how long may it last??)....or should/could I use a BMV that surely is displayed in the console for counting my wind power? Can I be assured that this works? With every kind ov BMV?

Thanks for your tips,

Martin Krahn

cerbo gx
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3 Answers
Sarah avatar image
Sarah answered ·


If you are using a Cerbo GX that is connected to the internet you can graph the output of your wind generators in the VRM app. To do this you need to have a SmartShunt configured as a DC Energy Meter. I don’t have a wind generator - The graph is comparing solar output from 2 MPPTs with the output from my alternator.

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Sarah avatar image Sarah commented ·

1f974027-5344-454b-9e6f-a8b09a3a829a.pngAlternatively you can see cumulative power output from the SmartShunt in VictronConnect app and on the Cerbo menu pages.

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Sarah avatar image Sarah Sarah commented ·

This last image is the latest beta version of the VictronConnect app which provides a good summary of almost everything connected to your system,

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bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

I am not sure I follow what the issue is. I have a smart shunt, connected to the negative of my wind generator. The smart shunt is configured as a DC Monitor with the monitor type of Wind, as shown in the VictronConnect app.


This is then visible on the CerboGX running VenusOS

screenshot-2022-06-06-at-144303.pngAnd in VRM advanced tab I can get the historical reporting.


As long as the Smart Shunt is connected via a VE.Direct cable into the VenusGX then all the above works.

It is not displayed on any of the Graphic overviews on the Cerbo GX (VenusOS) or VRM, but there are so many devices and permutations of DC sources and loads that displaying them all in Graphical format is a challenge.

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martin-krahn avatar image
martin-krahn answered ·

Thanks, Sarah and Bathnm for your replies,

maybe I did not use the right words/notations: I succeeded in reading the power of my windgenny via the DC-Shunt and in the device list. But I hoped to find it like my mppt trackers in the DASHBOARD to have an overview, which power comes from where and goes to where.

And I also was disappointed not to find the ET112 AC meter that I installed to read out the power I burn in my water tanks when the batteries are full. Also here I can read the actual active power and the sum since installation, but the device is not shown in the dashboard, where it would be fine to see at a glance where the AC power is used....

Does anybody know if this is generally possible?



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