
Eric Udell avatar image
Eric Udell asked

inverter on/off shortcut

Hi all,
I've got a fairly simple Victron installation ( Cerbo GX, touch display, 712 monitor, 100/50 MPPT and a Multiplus 3kw/12v inverter charger. ) and I'm connected to the VRM portal.
Most of the devices on our boat are set up to use 12v directly, so to save energy we only turn the inverter on when it's needed. This is pretty often, but our inverter probably spends 90% of the day off and not powering the phantom loads around the boat.
In our previous setup ( admittedly a lot simpler and less capable ) we had a physical on/off switch on the bulkhead where our touch display now resides, on a bulkhead next to the galley, which is where we are when we typically need the inverter for a few minutes to run kitche appliances. On and off was a flick of a switch.
With the touch screen, however, it's usually several touches of the screen to change the state of the inverter and the screen isn't really in a good place to see it, since the angle makes it hard to view. Consequently, each time we want to change the state of the inverter we need to walk over, bend down and fiddle with the settings for a bit. It's not a major issue, but it would be nice if there was a simple control screen we could easily swipe to that could turn the inverter off or on.

Is there a way to create something like this that I've missed in the manual?


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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Have a look at the below link you can add this software to your GX and then tap the blue inverter tile and you can turn the inverter off and on from there. plus may other features

I think this is what you are after


1653102166686.png (30.3 KiB)
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Eric Udell avatar image Eric Udell commented ·
I think that's exactly what I wanted, thank you.

After writing the question, I fiddled around some more and turned on "Boat and Motorhome overview", which added another page that included a fairly direct inverter control interface, but this is going to work even better.

Thanks again.

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elvis avatar image
elvis answered ·
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Eric Udell avatar image Eric Udell commented ·
Thanks for the response. That might work, but I'm trying to do this without buying another significant bit of hardware. I think between the boat/rv overview and the solution listed above I can get something satisfactory.

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