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pvittali asked

RS Inverter and DVCC

Does the RS Inverter 48/6000 support DVCC ?

DVCCinverter rs
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


DVCC is a GX device setting. It cannot be set on a RS Inverter directly.

It is not really needed as there is only one charge source and the mppt is 80amps. So on a correctly sized battery bank you would never be able to over amp during charging in anycase.

If you have more mppts in the system, then it is advisable to use a GX.

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pvittali avatar image
pvittali answered ·

Hi, thanks for your answer. In fact I have one more device (MPPT 150/35) and a CerboGX. On the CerboGX , I have activated DVCC and limited the total charge current to match the batteries. I left all other options off. What I am not sure is, if the DVCC setting on the CerboGX is honoured by the RS Inverter.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
If you have programmed the correct voltages onto the RS and the mppt, there also should not be a problem.

80A and 35A of charging shiuld still be within the bank capabilities. And with the correct voltages programmed will charge correctly.

Especially if the batteries are communicating with the system.

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Related Resources

Inverter RS Product page.

Inverter RS Online Manual.

Inverter RS Datasheet.

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

DVCC chapter in GX manual