
jka avatar image
jka asked

what does the status: cerbo off/cerbo aus mean?

Hi guys, when I am looking at my GX 50 the dashboard says "cerbo off". What does that mean? How can I turn the cerbo on? Do I have to?

Ideas really welcome :-)

cerbo gx
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Can you please provide us with a screenshot of this?

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4 Answers
jka avatar image
jka answered ·

That´s not the Touch GX screen, but I think it´s the same "message" I that I see on the Touch GX.screenshot.jpg

screenshot.jpg (26.9 KiB)
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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


This is showing the Inverter off, not the Cerbo.

Turning the Inverter on depends on your system. So more info is required.

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jka avatar image
jka answered ·

I see, thanks for your explanation. Really appreciated!

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jka avatar image
jka answered ·

BTW, I have no inverter :-)

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Ah well, then it really is off the system ;)
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