
Paul B avatar image
Paul B asked

Feeding surplus Solar power to power AC loads instead of using all the Grid when batteries are full

In the senero below how can I get the spare solar power (DC connected) that's been turned off as the batteries are full.

I do not want to export to the grid as a grid connection is not allowed, plus I have to allow for a generator to come on line and I don't want feed back to the generator.

I have tried ESS and I get return power issues to the generator plus even to get the gens to sync, I had to disable the LOM of AC in 2 (just for testing)

have tried a few other assistants as well all works well until the generator comes on line then I seem to be getting return power being feed back

Have turned off export to grid etc etc

ANY IDEAS out there or solutions would be helpfull,

we can live without it but its a shame to wast that free sun power

The available solar power is 1800 watts currently only showing 11w

System setup

2 x Quattro 24/8000 units in parallel FW 433

2 x 250/85 smartsolar regs

1 x BMV712

1 x CCGX FW 2.23

20 Kw lithium battery bank

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
boekel avatar image
boekel answered ·

Easiest way: program the multi to charge to a lower voltage (or SOC)

Lots of options to make different scenario's:

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