
joshyjs avatar image
joshyjs asked

Wrong Batterie Temp indication

My Multiplus II 3000 has a temperature sensor with cable for the battery.

I connected the eye at the plus pole of the battery.

And made sure the connection at the Multiplus has the right direction +/-.

In the VRM it shows -9°C. The Temp in the room ist +17C.

Faulty Sensor, faulty Multiplus or wrong connected?

Or a bug?

Temperature Sensor
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3 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

This one goes on the negative pole, not the positive.

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joshyjs avatar image joshyjs commented ·

Thank you. I will try.

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joshyjs avatar image
joshyjs answered ·

Tried it out. No change.

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joshyjs avatar image
joshyjs answered ·

I finish now with that issue.

Tried diffrend poles at the battery. Changed the cables at the Victron. No help.

VRM Portal shows minimum -8° Celsius. Tempeartere is about 18 plus.

I managed now to setup a DIYBMS via CAN bus on the GX.

This works and shows reliable Battery temperatures now.

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Related Resources

Victron temperature sensor disambiguation table - which product supports which sensor