
maha avatar image
maha asked

Zero feed-in problem

We have a problem with the EM24 and the zero feed in the ESS. The screenshot shows that supposedly 0 kWh has been fed in.

In fact, however, 6 kWh were fed in.




The system has the following components:


We use the original Victron cable for data transmission. V2.85 is used on a rpi.

We have set the mains supply to 500W on a trial basis. However, this does not prevent the grid feed-in either!

Where could the error lie?

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2 Answers
marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·


Try changing "multiphase regulation" from "total of all phases"


to "individual phase"


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maha avatar image
maha answered ·

We replaced the multi with another one and everything works fine with it. This means that the first Multi is working incorrectly. I'm curious to see how the repair will go...

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Energy Meter Manual EM24 RS485