
ako avatar image
ako asked

Temperature Sensors

A quick question about Temperature sensors . Is the temperature sensor supplied with the Multiplus 1200 interchangeable and can it be used with the Blue solar MPPT or the GX Crebo or are they all calibrated differently .

Temperature Sensor
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3 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Oddly enough Victron has a webpage regarding temp sensors.

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ako avatar image
ako answered ·

Thank you both , read that the GX reads temperature from Multiplus and MPPT reads it from the GX , if that is right then the GX and the Multiplus must use the same sensor . Cant see any mention of the Blue Solar MPPT .

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snoobler avatar image snoobler commented ·

That's only the case if you have the GX configured accordingly.

DVCC enabled.

Enable STS

Specify the correct temperature sensor

Once configured, the GX will feed temp to all connected devices.

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ako avatar image
ako answered ·

Thanks Snoobler , i googled Victron DVCC ENABLED , ENABLE STS and i found what your referring to and it looks simple enough now i know what to look for .

It says " For Gel, AGM, OPzS and other lead batteries, DVCC can be used without any problem " , I have Trojan AGM l16 batteries so looks l will only need to use a Temperature sensor for the GX rather than one on the Multiplus and another on the Blue Solar MPPT .

Which is the better accepted method , to use DVCC for Charge voltages , Temperature adjustments and anything else its capable of doing or to program the Blue Solar MPPT and Multiplus separately so they operate using there own configured parameters .

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snoobler avatar image snoobler commented ·


Shared temperature and voltage information improves the performance and accuracy of all devices using that data. If the MPPT doesn't get shared voltage data, it can only use what it measures, and that is influenced by the current it is sending to the battery, i.e., if the MPPT is charging the battery, it will measure a voltage HIGHER than actual. The shared voltage sense allows the MPPT to charge based on the actual voltage rather than the voltage in response to the charge current.

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Related Resources

Victron temperature sensor disambiguation table - which product supports which sensor