
michaeltenerife avatar image
michaeltenerife asked

How does the VRM actualization work from CerboGX?


Sometimes the VRM says that the last update was 13 minutes ago and sometimes much less. How does this work? Why sometimes it takes a long time to have an update and sometimes it is short? Can this be changed? Thank you

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Normally VRM updates at set intervals which you can configure. But if you're watching VRM in a web browser it will switch to real time monitoring after a few seconds. It looks to me as if some values don't get updated continuously, though.

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michaeltenerife avatar image michaeltenerife commented ·
where do you configure the intervals? I am on a web-browser and sometimes it is like I said 13min old....
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