
michaeltenerife avatar image
michaeltenerife asked

Remote Console not available with bluetooth

Hi everyone,

In this video from minute 19: and in the manual of the cerbo GX (screenshot in attachment) Screenshot from 2022-04-25 22-43-51.png there is clearly a way to connect to the remote Console with a smartphone over bluetooth and victron connect but that option is not available for me.

I am connected to the VRM portal through ethernet cable.

Thank you for your help

cerbo gx
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The Smartphone and the Cerbo GX have to be connected to the same LAN/Wi-fi network (or the phone have to be connected to the wi-fi access point of the Cerbo). The remote console is working via network not Bluetooth.

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michaeltenerife avatar image
michaeltenerife answered ·

ok, I need to connect the phone through wifi to the cerbo while it is also connected through bluetooth via victron connect?

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michaeltenerife avatar image
michaeltenerife answered ·

Lan Remote console is activated but not working anymore (and did before) when entering the IP address shown in Getaway device list info, strange.......

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