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ant-hart asked

Smart battery protect as a switch for DCDC charger


I have an Ablemail AMS-12-12-30 DCDC charger connected to a 12v 110Ah leisure battery.

I’ve had the idea of connecting a smart battery protect on the live feed coming from the starter battery to the DCDC charger input as once I’m parked up the charger continuously operates even when the engine is off until the starter battery is around 12.5v and then turns off.

I don’t understand the point of this so right now I just have an isolator under the bonnet to manually turn off once parked up or not using the DCDC charger ( this is a camper van so not used daily) so when I’m about to go on a long drive I turn the isolator on which enables power from the starter battery to go to the DCDC charger. Hope this makes sense!

Question is,

Can I use a smart battery protect like a switch to use the app to turn off and on without having to open my bonnet each time.

There’s a few times I’ve forgotten to turn the isolator on and had to pull over, lift the bonnet and continue on which is a pain.

Can anyone see a problem doing this? Will there be any back feed from the DCDC charger which could damage the battery protect?

If so and it’s a no you can’t use it like this does anyone have any ideas what I could do instead.

Hope what I’ve wrote makes sense and thanks for any help in advance

battery protect
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