
5teve avatar image
5teve asked

Guimods / setup helper CMD line install...

I guess aimed @Kevin Windrem .. I'm away on the boat currently, have no way of writing a USB stick, and need to install latest version of setup helper so I can get the display working on my pi and guimods installed... Are there any commands that work via SSH? I updated firmware as 2.72 suddenly either freezes or won't auto connect to wifi.. now I can't see the display etc on the dsi screen as I can't get setup helper installed!

Venus OS
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13 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered Ā·

The packages should reinstall automatically if you do an online firmware update or use a .swu file for the update.

If for some reason the auto reinstall didn't work, you can run the setup scripts via ssh:

... for other packages as needed

If you flashed a completely new system image then the packages will be gone and you'll need to download them from GitHub. The easiest way is to use wget to get SetupHelper then use PackageManager to install other packages you may need.

wget -qO - | tar -xzf - -C /da
mv /data/SetupHelper-latest /data/SetupHelper

Hope this helps get you back up.

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5teve avatar image
5teve answered Ā·

thank you @Kevin Windrem Tried the wget and it says no space on fails.. according to the GUI there is 400+mb free..

Any ideas?

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5teve avatar image
5teve answered Ā·

Some space detail

Sorry won't let me upload a picture...

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered Ā·

Yes, the wget line wasn't pasted properly. Should be:

wget -qO - | tar -xzf - -C /data

(/da doesn't exist)

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usernamepasswordbs avatar image usernamepasswordbs commented Ā·
@kevin windrem

I have copied and pasted this wget into putty and it goes a bit crazy with illegible characters appearing and eventually it just says puttyputtyputtyputtyputtyputty... on and on.

Have you any idea what could be causing this?

Thanks in advance.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem usernamepasswordbs commented Ā·
Sorry, I don't use putty as my development environment is Mac OS and I use native unix commands like ssh. The command you provided above works for me.
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usernamepasswordbs avatar image usernamepasswordbs Kevin Windrem commented Ā·
OK. I'll try another SSH client.


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem usernamepasswordbs commented Ā·
I do know a lot of people on Windows computers use Putty so maybe one of them will contribute here, or maybe repost as a Putty question
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5teve avatar image
5teve answered Ā·

Yeah I picked that up as having to be data but it still says no space available.. I'll get a screen shot...

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented Ā·
I have no idea what is going on unless /data is corrupt.
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5teve avatar image
5teve answered Ā·
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johnny-brusevold avatar image johnny-brusevold commented Ā·


If you look at the screen shoot you have posted above here, there is 0 free space on /dev/mmcblk0p4 = /data

This is what it looks like on my sd card

root@raspberrypi2:~# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 1.1G    965.1M     97.8M  91% /
devtmpfs                429.1M      4.0K    429.1M   0% /dev
tmpfs                   461.6M    572.0K    461.0M   0% /run
tmpfs                   461.6M    604.0K    461.0M   0% /var/volatile
/dev/mmcblk0p1           41.1M     21.7M     19.4M  53% /u-boot
/dev/mmcblk0p4            4.9G    118.5M      4.5G   2% /data
overlay                 461.6M    572.0K    461.0M   0% /service
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5teve avatar image 5teve johnny-brusevold commented Ā·
@Johnny Brusevold thanks for that.. I've suspected a corrupt card, but it still writes, so I wonder what has filled that data partition up.. if it's actually full... I guess I need to either rebuild or try and work out how to see and find out what's filled it... Any ideas?
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5teve avatar image
5teve answered Ā·

@Kevin Windrem @Johnny Brusevold so I had a dig around on the card.. as best I could the setup helper log file can't be listed as it keeps saying value too large for defined data type.. could this file have filled up the partition? I have tried deleting using rm and find -delete.. buy same error.. any ideas?


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented Ā·
A large file would not prevent it from being deleted with rm. Plus I don't see how the SetupHelper log would ever grow to over 2 GB. Entries are only added during setup script actions.

You can look for other large files in the /data partition but since you can't delete the SetupHelper log file, the partition most likely needs repair.

It's also possible the SD card is damaged beyond repair.

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5teve avatar image 5teve Kevin Windrem commented Ā·
Yeah I think I'll take the pi home and rebuild the system on a new card... Or format this one and image the final install to another as spare... If the card is usable. Thanks for your help as usual.. looking forward to using the new version...
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5teve avatar image
5teve answered Ā·

@Kevin Windrem looks like it happened... but as its an old version.. obviously something went wrong.. but not worth investigating.. going to rebuild on the latest

Cant post screen shot for some reason.. but setuphelper was sat at 2482056kb

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented Ā·
If possible, I'd like to see a portion of this log:
tail -100 /data/log/SetupHelper | tai64nlocal

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5teve avatar image 5teve Kevin Windrem commented Ā·
@Kevin Windrem I rebuilt on a new card so still have the files.. unfortunately it wont run that command as its too large for data type.. as before.. i'm going to see if I can download it to my PC.. and then see what I can do with it.. but its a bit slow
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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered Ā·

If you are copying all the files from the old /data partition, you may not be eliminating the problem of a full disk.

I can't explain why the SetupHelper log file is so large but try removing it or rebuilding the SD card from scratch, then copy over everything BUT /data/log/SetupHelper.

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5teve avatar image 5teve commented Ā·
I literally strated from scratch with a new card and installation.. I have a fairly simple system so setup is only a few minutes of time.. and not using any part of the old system, hence me still having the full old install on a card.. and being able to get the log file off that card. I was a bit suspect of the card anyway... hence a new one.. but it appears that the card is fine.. either way its been on operation for over a year.. so i'd rather use a new card..

No explanation needed as to why.. you provide an awesome upgrade to the gui and other areas.. and I appreciate you doing that for free.. but if I can help by providing information.. then I will.. just in case there is a chance that this may happen again..

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5teve avatar image
5teve answered Ā·

So i'll post again as post got deleted..

start of log

@4000000060f9d9cc123e3ffc GuiMods/setup: ++ Package installed

@4000000060f9d9cc12d2daf4 GuiMods/setup: restarting GUI

@4000000060f9d9cc14eec99c GuiMods/setup: completed

@4000000060f9e5982d0efb14 SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: found GuiMods on GitHub

@4000000060f9e5982f7131ec SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: updating GuiMods

@4000000060f9e5982f8a8e1c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/UpdateResources: line 131: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060f9e5982fd47414 SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: reinstalling GuiMods

@4000000060f9e598370e13fc GuiMods/setup: creating file set for v2.72

@4000000060f9e59a08d0a52c GuiMods/setup: installing GuiMods files

@4000000060f9e59a1e84b0d4 GuiMods/setup: ++ Package installed

@4000000060f9e59a1f163aa4 GuiMods/setup: restarting GUI

@4000000060f9e59a2157166c GuiMods/setup: completed

@4000000060fcb077077249c4 SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: found SetupHelper on GitHub

@4000000060fcb07708a28494 SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: continuing in cleanup script - exiting

@4000000060fcb0790c53828c SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdaterCleanup: running SetupHelper setup script to reinstall

@4000000060fcb079119b06d4 packageAutoUpdater /data/SetupHelper/UpdateResources: line 134: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb07911ec767c packageAutoUpdater BusyBox v1.31.0 (2021-07-05 12:43:43 UTC) multi-call binary.

@4000000060fcb07911edf164 packageAutoUpdater

@4000000060fcb07911edf934 packageAutoUpdater Usage: mv [-fin] SOURCE DEST

@4000000060fcb07911ee0104 packageAutoUpdater or: mv [-fin] SOURCE... DIRECTORY

@4000000060fcb0791239c38c packageAutoUpdater mv: can't rename '/data/SetupHelper-current': No such file or directory

@4000000060fcb079129e327c SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdaterCleanup: reinstalling SetupHelper

@4000000060fcb0791a1aa7c4 SetupHelper/setup: restarting SetupHelper service

@4000000060fcb07a088e0e4c SetupHelper/setup: completed

@4000000060fcb07a2a17044c SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: starting up

@4000000060fcb07a2c56170c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb07b2e47b1c4 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb07c306b35d4 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb07d3294c8ac packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb07e3494904c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb07f36add35c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb08038ad9ee4 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb0813add4854 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb08301630c94 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb0840396ffac packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb08505981354 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb08607ef269c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb0870a1a24bc packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb0880c4716dc packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb0890e50d15c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb08a10882f74 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb08b12b0fb14 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb08c14baf414 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb08d16def524 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb08e18fed39c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb08f1b17bcd4 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb0901d8e69f4 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb0911fef701c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb09221fc7a44 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb09323f9c52c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb094260d7674 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb09528256d7c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000060fcb0962a1eefa4 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

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5teve avatar image
5teve answered Ā·

And toward end of log

@4000000062596948184efbfc packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@40000000625969491a2bc694 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@400000006259694a1c1118c4 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@400000006259694b1e0e09d4 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@400000006259694c1ffe9704 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@400000006259694d21ebd874 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@400000006259694e23e88334 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@400000006259694f25e0386c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@400000006259695027eb75a4 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@40000000625969512a086dec packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@40000000625969522bfb838c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@40000000625969532e16f534 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@40000000625969543169027c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@400000006259695533874ab4 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000062596956358fb92c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@4000000062596957385570ac packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@40000000625969583a5c3174 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@400000006259695a00fc308c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@400000006259695b0335115c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@400000006259695c054b04c4 packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101: [: ==: unary operator expected

@400000006259695d078fb11c packageAutoUpdater/data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: line 101@40000000625971f139f07f24 packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@40000000625971f2390ae9b4 packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@40000000625971f337ea2fa4 packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@40000000625971f5054860fc packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@40000000625971f607cfe69c packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@40000000625971f708c31c54 packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@40000000625971f80a11a8dc packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@40000000625971f90b34cc1c packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@40000000625971fa0c4c951c packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@40000000625971fb0dab428c packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@40000000625971fc0f2d2f6c packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@40000000625971fd10649a14 packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@40000000625971fe2c71114c packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@40000000625971ff2dc36694 packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@40000000625972002f1a0d54 packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@400000006259720130867664 packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@400000006259720231ffb0b4 packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@400000006259720333832c04 packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@400000006259720434d26084 packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@40000000625972053632c374 packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@4000000062597206378edcbc packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@40000000625972080844246c packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@400000006259720909cbf51c packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@400000006259720a0b336c8c packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@400000006259720b0c6f7e9c packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@400000006259720c0dd582f4 packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

@400000006259720d0f70fae4 packageAutoUpdater./run: line 3: /data/SetupHelper/packageAutoUpdater: No such file or directory

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5teve avatar image
5teve answered Ā·

@Kevin Windrem sorry for the formatting it wouldnt post as code.. 403 forbidden error on when posting

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented Ā·
I came across the 403 forbidden error once too. Not sure what caused it but had to do with formatting inside the code block.

I looked through the log excerpts you sent and can see how a repeating message like this could fill the log over time. What is really "interesting" is packageAutoUpdate was eliminated as part of SetupHelper v4 when PackageManager was introduced. So a log entry from Apr 15 2022 shouldn't be happening unless part of an old SetupHelper was still hanging around.

Sorry this happened to you.

I'm still not sure why you were not able to delete the file unless there's something in unix that prevents a completely full file system from changing in any way.

The service logging mechanism prevents logs from growing too large but the log handler my setup scripts use simply write to a file. I'm putting a mechanism to keep the log file from growing without bounds. This will be incorporated into the next update to SetupHelper.

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5teve avatar image 5teve Kevin Windrem commented Ā·
@Kevin Windrem no apologies needed.. like i said before you provide this fabulous enhancement with no charge.. so I expect nothing other to help if I can.

It was an old install .. 2.72 I think and the setuphelper and guimods were original from that time. I never managed to get them to update automatically... the new package manager is a vast improvement so was one of my drivers to rebuild the system on a new card from scratch.. seems to be working without issue now and the new enhancements are also great.

As always appreciate the support.. and what you do..


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usernamepasswordbs avatar image
usernamepasswordbs answered Ā·

Any idea what is going wrong here?

I'm trying to install setuphelper and guimods via SSHscreenshot-35.png

screenshot-35.png (68.3 KiB)
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