
podilamaya avatar image
podilamaya asked

multiplus 2 ESS Grid Feed limit doesn't work




I have 2 multiples-2 5Kv units working parallel and 10kW Frounious Inverters L1 output-side of the Victron. Grid meter counts grid feed. We are only allowed to feed 5kW and in configured ESS Grid Feed limit as 2500W.

Still, the system feeds the grid more than 5Kw

Anybody assist with my problem. attached is my Victron configuration file (zip) file for reference.

Multiplus-IIESSess grid setpoint not reached
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3 Answers
David avatar image
David answered ·

Your PV is on the input side of the inverter?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You say that the Fronius' are connected to the AC Out of the MultiPlus but the VRM shows them on the input. You have to configure that.

Did you set up the Fronius' to be controlled by the Victron system?

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podilamaya avatar image
podilamaya answered ·

Thank you, @Matthias Lange - DE and @David Foret (Victron Energy Staff). It was configured (probably detected) as Fronius Inverters are on the input side, I corrected it and now it shows as on the AC output side. Now waiting for a good sunny day to test the results.

Today, I found another interesting issue: the battery discharges to supply the power to critical loads, while the whole system feeds over 1kW to the Grid. My understanding was load and battery have higher priority before feeding to the grid, so the system should charge the battery not feed the grid. Am I wrong?

The system runs with ESS Optimized (with battery life), and Battery BMS can handle 200A continuous discharge and charge current.


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Ricardo Chavarria avatar image Ricardo Chavarria commented ·
Did you ever resolve this?
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Ricardo Chavarria commented ·
@Ricardo Chavarria

The issue was likely the configuration in the GX which @podilamaya had corrected.

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