
erichabg avatar image
erichabg asked

Is it useful to update Multiplus FW from V209 to v494?

For some years I have controled my Multiplus (old Version not II) with a raspberry pi via two DAC and the assistants for "Charge current control" and "Input current limit control".

Since now an extension of the solar plant took place, I added a Cerbo GX to replace the Raspberry Pi and do without the DA converters but regulate this purely via software on the Cerbo.

Multiplus 24/3000/70-16 (Type Id 2612) FW is v209

Is it useful (and possible via MK3 Interface) to update the Firmware to the newest v494?



firmware update
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3 Answers
erichabg avatar image
erichabg answered ·

No ideas?
BTW: I fear running into problems (again) due to a required password for important settings.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I think you need to check with your dealer.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @erichabg

This an exerpt from


It's surely possible with the MK3 unit, and you shouldn't strike any password issues.

And with a Cerbo, once you've updated past a certain point in 4XX fw then you can do it via VRM.

If you really want to delve deeper into this and see changelogs etc. then you could sign into VictronProfessional and get the lot.

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