
fogger avatar image
fogger asked

I have a Victron multiplus 120/3000 I have 3 GFCI Plugs, when on shore power they work perfect when on inverter the light goes red for a period of time then they shut off not sure where I should look to solve the problem

2 |3000

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1 Answer
tmartin000 avatar image
tmartin000 answered ·

If your neutrals are tied to ground, then the very second you turn on the multi, it (the multi) shorts the neural tied to it to ground! That will trip your GFCI on your pedestal/garage or whatever sources the input 110/120v AC to your RV.

Look up GROUND RELAY on this site.

I hope that's what your asking.

ps...if the Multi didn't do this, then a person could get the 120v shuffle if it shorted in your TECHNICALLY, its a good thing. But a pita to wire it so it doesn't.

2 |3000

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Ground, earth and electrical safety

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