
nielsen avatar image
nielsen asked

Inverter size for a 1000w AC 230V single phase motor

How large a inverter would be necessary to run a 1000W single phase 230V motor?

Considering a multiplus 12/1600/70

Is that a sufficient size?

Multiplus-IIinverter current draw
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

You need to consider the starting current of the motor. A motor's starting current can be 5 or more times the running current for a few cycles which might cause the inverter to shut down due to overcurrent. Most meters won't measure this starting current/power so you need to look at the motors LRA (locked rotor amperage) spec to know what the starting current is (or measure it on a scope where the true current peak can be seen. The inverter's peak power spec needs to cover the LRA current.

Also, remember the number in the model number is volt-amps, not watts. A motor is probably not going to have a power factor of 1.0 so that needs to be taken into account as well.

Also, inverters produce less continuous power at higher temperatures.

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