
shaned avatar image
shaned asked

Easy Solar 48/5000/70 System shuts down and restarts in about 30 seconds

Hi everyone

I have an Easy Solar 48/5000/70. The system has a BYD 13.8 Battery. It has all been running for 3 years now but over the summer the system shuts down and restarts in about 30 seconds. It can do this multiple time then works fine for the rest of the day and night. I thought it maybe overheating (as I have asked about the fan not running under Low Loads, which is normal) so I have checked inside for dust and have run a 38" industrial fan blowing up from underneath it and turn it on during the day.

I have recently updated all firmware ES MultiPlus v494 GXCC v2.84 MPPT v1.95 hoping this would resolve the issue but to no avail. There was a rely error 11 before this but no errors since the update and no errors showing on any device.

I did just notice that the MPPT rely was set to off but it is charging the battery so I am thinking this maybe normal, let me know if it is not.

I am off grid and the ES is inside and temp where I am are around the 30c mark in summer.

Other than this the system has run perfectly for the time it has been installed. If anyone has had a similar issue or could shed some light as to why it maybe doing this, I am all ears.

Thanks for any feedback, everyone here has always been a great help.

EasySolar All-in-One
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

I would be looking at your batteries BMS as if you have a cell fault then the battery will turn off .

lots of reasons for this - more diagnostics info is needed - but try the battery BMS option first and see what they are doing

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shaned avatar image shaned commented ·

Hey Paul. Sorry didnt get a notification for your response. I haven't had an issue for a while but today outside temp is 31c and the system has shutdown 5 times. When the power goes out the battery is still running. I reseated the cat5 cables on the BMS and the one going to the ES. I turn the battery off after this for a reset as the power turned off again. I currently have the ES turn off so it may reset. So I dont thing its the BMS or the battery is the issue. Also I am not sure how I would go about testing the BMS. If you know of a link that I can look at to help me test it that would be great. I have search but as the power goes out everything shutsdown.

Thank for you suggestion.

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