
patrick-m avatar image
patrick-m asked

Multiplus stuck at bootloader

After having updated the firmware of my Multiplus 48V 5000VA 70+100A, I am not able to get past a bootloader error (All LED's flashing in random order).
Can't connect to the device using the MK3-USB either (Computer does connect to the MK3-USB , but the MK3-USB can't find a VE.Bus device).
Pretty desperate after having tried to solve the issue the entire day.
Any suggestions on how to get the Multiplus functional again?
multiplus ve.bus
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5 Answers
patrick-m avatar image
patrick-m answered ·

I was finally able to flash the firmware. Original version was 2624481, newly installed version: 2624494. System is up and running again.

Have been able to do so using VEFlash, my guess is that I did not switch the Multiplus off long enough before flashing, after having established the connection with the MK3.

What worked for me:
Connect MK3 to PC and Multiplus
Start VEFlash
Auto connect to the MK3
Load firmware file
Switch off Multiplus
Leave off for 5 seconds
Switch Multiplus on again
Upload firmware

Thanks everyone!!!!

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netrange avatar image
netrange answered ·

Is the Multi connected to a GX Device ?

1 comment
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patrick-m avatar image patrick-m commented ·
Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I have a GX device installed also.
The GX doesn't detect the Multiplus either, something I can try?

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You can usually just retry the firmware update.

If that fails do it manually with veflash and the mk3.

Make sure you disconnect the gx when connecting the mk3 to the multi.

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patrick-m avatar image patrick-m commented ·

Hi Nick, thanks for your reply. I have already tried but run into the same issue; My computer connects to the MK3 but the MK3 is not able to detect a VE.bus device.
Could I be doing something wrong?

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patrick-m avatar image patrick-m patrick-m commented ·

Will give it another try this morning

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

@Patrick M.

if you haven't already, please check and try to update firmware using VEFlash. The whole procedure is documented here:

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patrick-m avatar image patrick-m commented ·

Hi Stefanie, thanks for your reply. I have already tried but run into the same issue; My computer connects to the MK3 but the MK3 is not able to detect a VE.bus device.

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ patrick-m commented ·

Do you happen to remember the com port number? You should be able to set the COM port manually instead of auto detect. Maybe this helps.

If not, then I suggest you contact your dealer.

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patrick-m avatar image patrick-m Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Yes, the port number was correct, I have no issues connecting to the MK3. Will contact the dealer tomorrow, hope they can resolve the issue. We are living off grid so the generator is working overtime.

Thanks for your support!

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patrick-m avatar image patrick-m commented ·
Thanks Stefanie, you gave me the motivation to try once more and not rush trough the steps. I have posted what worked for me at the bottom of this thread.

Have a great day!

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ patrick-m commented ·
Nice! Glad you got it working :-)
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netrange avatar image
netrange answered ·

Flashing led's ... Maybe a code ... Take a look at the victron toolkit ...

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>> I am not able to get past a bootloader error (All LED's flashing in random order). <<

That's the code ;-)

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netrange avatar image netrange Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

... So ... The Led's are working ... :)

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