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stokie77 asked

Easy Solar 48/3000/35 MPPT 150/70 Stopped AC output, and would only turn on for 5 second bursts

Yesterday my Easy Solar unit stopped putting out AC power. The battery was at 11%. When I switched the rocker on/off/charge only switch to the middle / off position, then after a few seconds switched back to the on position, the power relay clunked on, and all was good - for 5 seconds.

I turned off all the loads except for a 6 watt bulb beside me, and repeated the exercise. Same thing.

I went to the settings and clicked Redetect System. No difference.

I tried the Reboot button - no change.

The only way I could get power to stay on was to start the AC generator, which eventually was recognised, then all was back to normal, and I could slowly re-introduce the usual loads.

Is this a common problem? What is the best approach next time it happens?

EasySolar All-in-One
2 |3000

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