
richie-trent avatar image
richie-trent asked

EasySolar w/ step-down transformer for 120V application?

Wondering if anyone has set up an EasySolar 12V 1600VA with a step-down transformer to go from 230V to 120V?

What are your thoughts on doing this?

I'd love to use the EasySolar products in the US, but have to work around the 12V/120V vs. 24V/240V issue. Sure wish Victron would get on this and offer a product that suits the US market.

EasySolar All-in-One
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

They have a lot of 120V products.

Guess you're not going to use the AC input...

I think you can set the frequency to 60Hz.

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richie-trent avatar image richie-trent commented ·
They don't offer the EasySolar with 120V, only 240V.
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