
big-ste avatar image
big-ste asked

Cerbo gx still not allowing multiplus switching with Victron BMS!

Having watched the latest vlog showing the toggle switch I was hoping to be able to switch my multiplus on/off etc, but no it doesn’t work. Guessing it’s because I have the Victron bms fitted with the assistant installed onto the multiplus!
if I remove the assistant will then work?

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Big Ste,

Indeed it is still a limitation of the Victron BMS hardware that it disables the remote switching of the MultiPlus via a GX (or the new VRM controls).

Unfortunately this will not be fixed for that existing BMS hardware, but I have heard plans that this limitation will be removed in a future (not yet released as of March 2022) hardware model of the Victron BMS.

Assuming that you are using Victron lithium batteries, then the BMS assistant must remain installed for safe operation of the system. Apologies, and feel the frustration around this limitation.

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big-ste avatar image
big-ste answered ·

Thanks Guy, if I swap out my existing BMS for the small BMS will I lose any functionality? I have the following components:

victron lithium battery, mppt, multiplus and Cerbo gx.

many thanks

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