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newbiewannoyingquestions asked

NEWBIE! Cable size for my victron easy solar 24v 1600w AC outputs?

I haven't a clue what I'm doing so would aprettiate any help in general. I have for this grid tied project a battery a switch and most cables. No fuses as of yet. Solar panels are on the roof.... DO I need to earth them before I plug them in? Its only 600watts. Also how do I set it to charge lithium correctly wo the battery plugged in... is that to do with those jumper switches on the inside? my 24v battery is only 20ah. FInally what kind of cable do I need for the ac outputs?

EasySolar All-in-One
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

If that's not a typo, the 24V battery is far to small and will be killed by your system.

On the AC out side, you're going to struggle to go bigger than 2.5mm square.

but I strongly suggest you get professional advice on the wiring and setup before going further. There are probably legal requirements you need to comply with, and even more importantly, getting the setup wrong can kill you.

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