
akofler avatar image
akofler asked

ESS PV Inverter ac-input not charging battery

Dear all,

I have:
- Multiplus-II 48/8000 v494
- LiFEPO4, Orion BMS via Can, 48V
- PV Inverter parallel to ac-input
- Energy meter EM24 on PV inverter, configured as PV-Inverter
- Cerbo GX v2.84
- ESS & DVCC enabled
- Scheduling charge disabled

Setting up in ESS the mode with or without BatteryLife the charge power is going from 0- 100W, not more, even there is excess PV power:


Setting the ESS mode to Keep Battery charges, the charger charges well with the maximum current.

Why are there no dots from the PV Inverter to the Multiplus ? It seems that for some reason / missconfiguraion the excess power is not calculated well.

It seems that the Consumption is almost as high as the PV production.

Do you have any suggestions ?

Many thanks


Some config Screenshots:






AC PV Coupling
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1 Answer
markus avatar image
markus answered ·
You will need an additional grid meter for the PV inverter on AC-in to work.
2 |3000

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akofler avatar image akofler commented ·

Dear Markus, sadly the connection PV/Grid is inside a sealed chassis, so i can't install a grid meter. But anyway, Is the option Grid Metering --> Inverter Charger not enogh ?


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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ akofler commented ·

Unfortunately, to bring the ESS system to charge from the PV-inverter on AC-in, you would have to reconfigure the system to have 2 energy meters, one measuring PV and one measuring grid.

like this:


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akofler avatar image akofler markus ♦♦ commented ·

Sadly this point isn't accessible due the seal.

Since all loads are connected to AC out1 the calculation of the power is simple: P_grid = P_pv + P_ac_in_multiplus

Is there a way to implement on the Cerbo a kind of virtual sensor doing this simple calculation (i.e. script reading / writing D-Bus running on Cerbo) ?

Is this information available on the D-Bus ?


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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ akofler commented ·

You could ask here in Modifications space, if someone has a solution. Official anwer will most probably be „no“

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akofler avatar image akofler markus ♦♦ commented ·

ok thanks a lot !

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akofler avatar image akofler markus ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Markus, I've just enabled the ssh service to the Cerbo, so I can check

the exported Items on thd DBus. Which Items hsa to be set to get the ESS working with an AC Inverter connected to the input ?


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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ akofler commented ·


I don't know.

Alternatively, you could control your ESS via ModbusTCP. This is maybe the better approach: ESS mode 2 and 3 [Victron Energy]

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