
Martin Coetzee avatar image
Martin Coetzee asked

Can I upgrade my old Quattro control board to get assistants?

I have a older invertor on a site (7 years old about) can the motherboard be upgraded so it can do load assistants ?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

It's not really cost effective to swap the control board. Each control board needs to be calibrated for each unit. By the time you've sent the unit away, shipping in each direction, new control board and calibration you'd have been better off with a new unit.
If you buy a new unit then at least you can recover some money by selling your old one to someone who doesn't want to use the new features.

Someone else asked a similar question here:

2 |3000

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