
orangecrush avatar image
orangecrush asked

Cerbo GX and BMV-702 Bluetooth Dongle

I currently have a BMV-702 and would like to keep the display in it's present location and connect it to my new Cerbo GX. I can not get a V.E. direct cable to it but do have an extra bluetooth dongle which I could connect. With the bluetooth dongle on the back of the BMV-702 display will that connect OK with the Cerbo. Documentation on doing this is a bit sparse. I have thought about ditching the BMV-702 and getting a Smart Shunt but then I would have a useless hole in the galley of my Airstream.

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You need a wired connection from the BMV to the Cerbo.

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orangecrush avatar image
orangecrush answered ·

Thanks, was afraid that was the case. I will go ahead and get a Smart Shunt for my install and ditch the display.

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