
vectra avatar image
vectra asked

@Kevin Windrem , different representation in Remote-Konsole , GuiMods V5.17

and first, many thanks to kevin windrow for his awesome guimods.

I have different representations of the "DC System" in the remote console:



"DC System" is fine, but the next image says "No DC System". Is that intentional or is there a reason for it?

Many greetings

cerbo gx
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4 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

On the mobile overview, the box reads DC System if "Has DC system" is checked in the settings and No DC System if it is not checked. The flow overview hides (or dims) the DC system box if "Has DC system" not checked.

The GX device handles the DC flow in and out of the battery, an inverter/charger or inverter and all MPPT solar charge controllers. If you have any DC-DC converters, an alternator, wind generator or have loads connected to the DC bus, then you should check the "has DC system" setting. The power that shows up in this box is then whatever is not accounted for from the battery, inverter or MPPT controllers.

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vectra avatar image vectra commented ·

Hello and thanks for the reply/info.

My setting is "Has DC system". I have connected DC consumers and the consumption is displayed correctly in the mobile and in the flow display. I was just surprised that the mobile display showed "No DC System" and at the same time the correct consumption. At the same time, the flow display shows "DC System" and also the correct consumption.

Maybe I don't understand your answer well enough because my English isn't that good. But it's not a problem either, since I'm otherwise very satisfied.

Thanks again for the great GuiMod and best regards,

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vectra avatar image
vectra answered ·

Hello, no idea or is it a normal?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

It looks like there is a bug in the mobile overview code. Fixed in v5.19

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vectra avatar image
vectra answered ·

OK, then i must update. ;-)


Wonderful, "No" is gone .



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