
tom4x avatar image
tom4x asked

Offline configuration of MPPT and solar chargers


At the site where we plan to install the solar system we do not have an Internet connection (neither cable nor mobile). Unfortunately most solar charges and inverters of other brands strictly require an Internet connection for the (initial) configuration with a mobile phone or PC (SolarEdge, Sungrow, etc.).

If I understand the manuals of Victron Products correctly, the configuration does not require an Internet connection? (Except for firmware upgrades)

The SmartSolar and BlueSolar devices work out of the box, right?

Other, more complex, products like the MultiPlus require a separate device (Cerbo GX) and are then configurable & monitorable in a local network, right?

MPPT Controllerscerbo gx
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Hi @tom4x , welcome to the Community!

BlueSolar and SmartSolar devices work right out of the box; SmartSolar devices can be configured and FW updated via BT connection to your phone using the VictronConnect app. So long as the VictronConnect app is up-to-date on your phone, it will contain all the latest FW files for your devices, so no internet connection is necessary!

MultiPlus/Quattro units work right out of the box, but should be configured and their FW updated using the MK3-USB Interface plugged into your PC, Mac, or phone (assuming you have the correct adapter to get a female USB-A port from your phone), still using the VictronConnect app. Again, so long as the app itself is up-to-date on your phone or computer, it will hold all the latest FW files and so no internet connection is necessary to perform the necessary procedures.

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tom4x avatar image tom4x commented ·

Dear Justin,

Thank you for your answer! Sounds good.

I have read that the BT of SmartSolar can be disabled, which is good (however only via BT, so re-enabling requires additional hardware...).

Concerning the Victron Connect App: Can the FW files be downloaded on a separate computer or does the application itself require internet access for the FW files to be downloaded?


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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ tom4x commented ·

The FW files are part of VictronConnect, you download and install them automatically if you install/update VictronConnect.

After that you don't need an internet connection.

If needed you can also download individual FW files from Victron Professional:
(free account needed)

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tom4x avatar image tom4x Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
That's all very nice. Victron products are outstanding, not only in this regard.
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